Jamia Sapp
University of Central Florida
Co-Authors: Jocelyn Mueller1, Dinender Singla1, Robert Cook2, Jennifer Attonito3, Christa Cook1, Karina Villalba1
1University of Central Florida 2University of Florida 3Florida Atlantic University
There is evidence that age plays a significant factor in the association between marijuana use and mental health. Studies focusing on age group differences are scarce, and even more when focusing on women. The aim of this study was to determine whether marijuana or CBD use is associated with differences in mental health symptoms and to determine whether the association between marijuana or CBD and mental health differs by age groups (young 18-49 vs. middle age 50-64; vs. old age ≥65 years). In 2022, a total of 625 participants were recruited from Florida and Georgia, with (63%) reporting current marijuana or CBD use. We used the PHQ8 scale to measure depression and OASIS to measure anxiety, with higher scores indicating severe levels. The descriptive analysis was done using Chi-Square for categorical variables and a t-test to compare groups. Linear regression was used to identify associations between marijuana use or CBD and mental health stratified by age groups. The majority identified as White (79%), educated (43%) women who reported being in good health (63%). Most reported an average of 10 mgs of THC and CBD use daily (52% THC, 54% CBD), followed by 11-40 mgs (29% THC, 24% CBD). Significant group difference in anxiety between women that used marijuana or CBD compared to nonuse was observed (p = .02). When age groups were compared, the 18-49 group reported significant differences (mean 11.2 SD=5.3, p=.006) compared to other age groups (middle age, mean 10.0 SD=4.3; old age, mean 7.4 SD =3.8). Results from the regression analyses showed that marijuana or CBD use was negatively associated with anxiety (β -.09, p=.024) and not for depression. For the age group analyses, marijuana or CBD use was negatively associated with anxiety in the 18-49 group (β -.26, p=.001) but not for the other age groups. Studies suggest that THC may potentially decrease anxiety at lower doses but increase anxiety at higher doses, while CBD may decrease anxiety at all doses. However, this study is limited because it’s a cross-sectional analysis. Prospective data will help to determine whether marijuana is causally linked to reductions in anxiety.