Once your abstract has been accepted for a poster presentation at CCORC, here are all the details you will need to know to successfully present your poster at the conference. Please review these FAQs carefully. For any additional questions, please feel free to email us at mmj.outcomes@cop.ufl.edu.
Q: What are the required dimensions for printed posters?
A: Posters presented at CCORC should have a maximum dimension of 48” W x 42” H. This is the recommended dimensions for poster presentations.
Q: Is there a template I can use for creating my poster?
A: Yes, a downloadable poster template is available here. Note: Use of this template is not required to present a poster at CCORC.
Q: I am presenting research funded by a Consortium grant. Am I required to acknowledge that grant on my poster?
A: Yes, all Consortium grant-funded research posters are required to include an acknowledgment statement of the Consortium for Medical Marijuana Clinical Outcomes Research. You can download a poster template pre-loaded with the acknowledgment statement here. Note: Use of this template is not required to present a poster at CCORC.
Q: Am I responsible for printing my poster or will CCORC print it for me?
A: Presenters are responsible for the printing and delivery of their poster(s). Upon check-in, conference staff will provide presenters with a number corresponding to a poster board where they will pin their poster.
Q: Do I need to submit a digital copy of my poster prior to the conference?
A: Yes, all posters presented at CCORC are required to submit a poster file to mmj.outcomes@cop.ufl.edu (PDF file format is strongly recommended). This will be uploaded on the CCORC website for those attending the meeting virtually.
Q: How will my poster be displayed at CCORC?
A: Upon check-in at the conference, poster presenters should indicate that they will be presenting a poster. Conference staff will provide presenters with a number corresponding to a poster board where they will pin their poster. All poster boards will include push-pins for fixing your poster to the board.
Q: When will I be required to stand by my poster during CCORC?
A: All poster presenters will be provided with a specific time slot where they must remain stationed at their poster’s location to engage with poster session judges. The time slot can be confirmed upon check-in.
Q: Can I take my poster down before the conference has concluded?
A: Presenters should remove their posters once their allotted poster session has concluded. Posters that are left behind will be recycled. If you do not wish to carry your poster during the day, you may leave it with conference staff at the check-in desk.
Q: How do I qualify for competition in the “Best Student Poster” category?
A: All student poster presenters are automatically entered into competition for the Best Student Poster presentation category. Non-student presenters are not eligible for this competition.