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Submit a Session Proposal for CCORC 2025

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Session Proposal Deadline: February 19, 2025, 11:59 PM EST

Proposals for program content to be delivered as distinct sessions and organized in preferred formats of symposia, forums, or workshops, will be reviewed by the Scientific Program Committee. Any investigator or clinician in practice that conducts cannabis-related research and/or treats patients, is welcome to submit one or more session proposals.

See guidance for session proposal types and learning objectives.

See the CCORC Conflict of Interest Disclosure Policy.

Include each author’s name, institution, and email on separate lines.
Limit 25 words0 / 25
Submissions should describe all proposed content and provide a brief rationale for why this content is of interest to CCORC attendees. See the link at the top of the page for examples of acceptable session proposal types, but other session formats can be considered by the scientific program committee.0 / 500
[Optional] Only session proposals for workshops require learning objectives. A minimum of two learning objectives for a workshop of one hour is required. Learning objectives should be structured in accordance with guidance from the Accreditation Council on Continuing Medical Education (see guidance at the top of the page).
A session can be proposed for a maximum of one hour. Proposals should describe how the session will be structured. Each speaker’s role in the session must be defined.0 / 200
Disclosures must be provided for all session presenters as per CCORC policy. See conflict of interest disclosure policy for guidelines. If there are no conflicts of interest to declare or other disclosures to make, then state “Authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.”