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An Assessment of Farmers’ Perspectives of Medical Marijuana as an Alternative Treatment for Chronic Pain: A Survey

Carmen Lyttle-Nguessan
Florida A&M University

Co-Author: Victoria Adigun1
1Florida A&M University

Many farmers suffer from chronic pain conditions needing constant/continuous medical treatment. Research studies found higher drug-related deaths among rural farming communities due to misuse and a divide in access to health-related information. The literature also suggests that using alternative treatments to opioids to treat chronic pain would be helpful. Given chronic illnesses\’ clinical and economic burden on patients and society, it would be beneficial to evaluate any potential treatment options to reach the most desirable outcomes. Knowing individuals\’ views of medical marijuana as an alternative treatment for chronic pain may help policy decisions and development.

The main aim is to assess individuals\’ perspectives about medical marijuana as a treatment alternative for chronic pain.

A survey designed to elicit individuals\’ perspectives on treating chronic pain conditions. Individuals 18 years or older were selected to participate in the study. We developed, pre-test, and administered the revised survey via an electronic anonymous survey link to a farmers\’ database. We used descriptive statistics to summarize the data.

Of those responding, 85% would use, and 25% would consider using medical marijuana to treat a covered illness if health authorities designate it as safe and effective. Only eight percent of them were or have ever been medical marijuana patients.

The preliminary results suggest that farmers are willing to use medical marijuana as an alternative treatment for chronic pain. This outcome highlights the importance of accounting for individuals\’ perspectives in healthcare policy decision-making.

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