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Can cannabis be a treatment for female orgasmic disorder?

Suzanne Mulvehill
International Institute of Clinical Sexology

Objective: This study will evaluate if cannabis could be a treatment for female orgasmic disorder. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-5) defines female orgasmic disorder (FOD) as reduced intensity, delay, infrequency, and/or absence of orgasm. Women with FOD may never have had an orgasm (lifelong), may have experienced orgasms at one time but no longer (acquired), or may have orgasms in certain situations but not in others (situational).


  1. Dr. Michelle Chandrasekhar

    Thank you Suzanne, this is interesting! You got me following down your references and now I am late for the next speaker! Questions – what IS the most common sexual complaint among women? How are you selecting your sample for the survey?

  2. Bob Cook, MD, MPH

    Hi – We are about to start doing a prospective study of persons who are initiating medical marijuana – do you have some suggested question items related to sexual function or satisfaction that you would recommend for such a study? DO you think it will matter if women are pre- or post-menopausal?

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